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General questions

Discounts are promotions set by seller for all products in the platform You can enjoy discounts when your total paid order amount reached a certain requirement.

Service Commitment is limited to part of the products, specific as follows: 15 days for goods that may shipped by air those are small items such as bags,clothes shoes , on small quantities not more than 20 pcs and 45 days for the high volume goods and goods with battery inside , liquide goods , powder goods and other goods that are prohibited to ship them by Air If you are unsatisfied with this product,you may return it within 7 days of delivery for a full refund

The preferential price of ordering more quantity at one time may give you the chance to get the big discount as your entering into B2B terms

After you completed an order, you have the right to make a comment. The feedback would display in product's description. Different rates show buyers' various attitudes toward the item.

Put the products that you want to buy in your cart, then you could buy them at one time.

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